Payment in cash or by card?

WHO’s recommendation to avoid COVID-19 infection


The World Health Organization suggests prioritizing bank card payments as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially the use of contactless payment.

          Fast, easy and safe

Handling cash or banknotes, as they change hands frequently, can pick up all kinds of viruses or bacteria, so it is recommended to wash your hands and avoid touching your face after handling them.

In order to avoid contagion, countries such as China and Korea have already begun to disinfect coins and banknotes, in order to put them back into circulation after their quarantine period.

On March 26, and reinforcing these recommendations, the limit for transactions without a PIN was increased from €20 to €50, seeking to avoid possible contamination due to the use of the PinPad in bank terminals.

The bank card payment systems marketed by v2v offer an easy, fast and secure solution to reduce the use of cash. By installing it, we also reduce coin-operated machine jams, machines in “Exact Amount” mode due to lack of change, or excessively high amounts in the change tubes when installing a bill reader.


  For additional information, please contact Joan Gispert  
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